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IJM joins the Coalition to Stop Slavery for Anti-Slavery Day


IJM joins the Coalition to Stop Slavery for Anti-Slavery Day

This Anti-Slavery Day, IJM is uniting with other UK charities to raise awareness and ban products tainted by modern slavery. Find out more and sign the petition.

IJM has joined forces with 16 other anti-slavery organisations on a new campaign to mark Anti-Slavery Day 2022, “Time to Stop Slavery”.

Working together under the banner of the Coalition to Stop Slavery the group is aiming for the new campaign to:

  • bring about a major change in public awareness of modern slavery, by educating people about the signs of modern slavery and how to report any concerns of modern slavery and human trafficking
  • urge the Government to ban the import of all products tainted by forced labour and modern slavery.

"There needs to be far greater accountability for the exploitation which takes place in business supply chains," David Westlake, IJM UK CEO, says. "The Government must do more to ensure that goods tainted by modern slavery are not sold in the UK".

Together, we can demand that the Government bans the import of all products tainted by forced labour.

Will you join people around the UK standing against slavery by signing this petition now?

Find out more about the Coalition and sign the petition at and follow us on social media:

Instagram: stopslavery_co 
Facebook: endallexploitation 
Twitter: @StopSlavery_Co

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