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Supporting children in Uganda: an interview with Cathy Ajok


Supporting children in Uganda: an interview with Cathy Ajok

What does it look like to walk alongside a child after they’ve been brought to safety from abuse? We spoke to Cathy Ajok, one of IJM’s aftercare staff in Uganda, about her role and why she’s passionate about giving hope and healing to children and women.

December 2024

Cathy, why is IJM’s work so important?

In my community, there are a lot of abuses against children and women. You ask yourself – what prompted a man to sexually abuse an infant?

It’s very painful to hear that some officials, who are supposed to protect children and women, are very happy to take bribes in exchange for the perpetrator’s freedom; while neglecting the plight of that young girl or woman who has suffered so much.

Most times I would feel insignificant; that, alone, I am unable to do anything to support survivors. But when I heard of an opportunity to serve in IJM, I was very excited.

Talk us through what you do with IJM:

My role as Psychosocial Coordinator is to stand next to survivors, to empower them to get better from when we found them at the point of the abuse.

Survivors start the journey when they sometimes literally have wounds on their bodies. They come when they are helpless. They are not sure if anybody is going to listen to them.

I give them my ear and my time, and I move with them through the process of going to the police, recording their statements, undergoing medical examinations at the health centre and accessing treatment, and returning with them to the police to ensure that the medical records are also included in the police file. When the case proceeds to court, I offer them the emotional support they need during court sessions.

What’s your hope for the future?

I see a time when the police are trauma-informed. I see a time when our justice system is not broken, where cases do not take long – where a survivor gets justice within one week.

I see a time where government officials will not need IJM, where they will do their work in earnest, in truth, and in love.

Help Cathy and IJM staff around the world be there for children after abuse, for as long as they need.

Your gift will be doubled (at no extra cost to you) between midday Tuesday 3rd and Tuesday 10th December, up to £50,000, when you give via the Big Give:

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