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Two children and six adults now free from labour trafficking in South Asia

August 2024

A recent, surprise inspection conducted by local authorities and supported by IJM led to two children and six adults being brought to safety from a cement pipe factory.

These children, women and men had been trapped in the factory for three long years. After giving them a small loan, the factory owner had manipulated their debt to force them to work.

But thanks to the support of people like you, since 2021, IJM has helped train the district government on addressing trafficking. Thanks to our strong relationship, the district head reached out for IJM’s support.

Following best practice, the officials formed a diverse team of government officials, police officers and social workers, and interviewed the victims privately to build trust and calm their fears.

Together, the team inspected five worksites including two brick kilns, a stone-breaking factory, and the cement pipe factory. At the cement pipe factory, officials identified that the labourers were victims of trafficking and immediately brought them to safety.

The survivors have now had their false debts cancelled and received support with accommodation and funds to help them rebuild their lives in freedom.

The inspections and operation highlight the officials’ firm commitment to protecting vulnerable people from violence and exploitation.

"The district administration’s proactive approach was remarkable, rescuing labourers from the worksite and initiating their rehabilitation—all on the same day as the surprise inspections!" IJM’s team shared happily.

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