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Trafficking survivors now safe after being hospitalized

November 2024

Last month, local authorities brought four people, including a teenager, to safety from trafficking in South Asia.

They had been deceived by an attractive job offer at a garment factory. But after they traveled 450 miles from home, they were forced to work in a well-digging site instead.

Their exploitation came to light when two of the victims were hospitalized after being brutally assaulted with an iron rod. One of the survivors bears scars from the vicious attack.

Recognizing the signs of abuse, the hospital reported the case to the local Special Cell—a new, multi-function team, including IJM, which provides legal support to labourers.

One IJM staff member shared, “As one of the members of the Special Cell, we spoke to the injured survivors and provided counselling assistance to them. We then guided the paralegal volunteer to bring other survivors to safety from the facilities. We will continue to provide legal and rehabilitation assistance through the Special Cell.”

Labour Department officials issued Release Certificates to the four survivors, formally declaring them free, and helped them return home.

Police lodged a report against the contractor for confining the workers and assaulting them. The Special Cell is working with government authorities to include charges related to bonded labour and human trafficking.

IJM’s state programme director said, This harrowing case underscores the persistent exploitation faced by vulnerable workers and highlights the critical role of local authorities and civil society in combating such injustices.

“The swift and coordinated response reflects the government’s growing commitment to addressing bonded labour. Their proactive response demonstrates that such crimes can be tackled effectively when communities and institutions work together.”

Learn more about IJM's work to stop human trafficking >>

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