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Man sentenced to 20 years for child sexual assault in Bolivia

March 2023

This month, Evelin* received justice as the man who attacked her was sentenced to 20 years.

15-year-old Evelin was sitting in a park when a man pretending to be a policeman approached her.

"He searched me and told me, ‘Let’s go. You’re under arrest.’”

He claimed Evelin had drugs in her bag and deceived her into getting into his car.

“He took me to a place I didn’t know. That’s when he abused me.”

As Evelin fled the ravine where she’d been attacked, she bravely stopped to write down the number plate of the man’s car.

Thanks to her quick thinking, the police identified and arrested the suspect in less than 24 hours – a uniquely fast outcome in a country where arrests for sexual violence can take up to six months.

For two long years, thanks to supporters like you, IJM walked with Evelin through the trial until she obtained justice.

This is a groundbreaking victory in a country like Bolivia, where 3 in 4 women have reported experiencing violence in their lifetime. Only 0.04% of sexual violence cases arrive at a verdict.

Change is possible. Together, we can ensure that more girls like Evelin get justice and are protected from violence in the first place.

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