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4 Traffickers Convicted for Exploiting 2 Girls to Work As Maids in Malaysia

Last week, IJM staff in Cambodia attended a hearing on the sentencing of four convicted traffickers who recruited two girls, ages 12 and 16 to work as maids in Malaysia.

The promise of a well-paid job had been a lie, and the girls were not paid as promised and were forced to work long hours with little sleep or food. Additionally, the main recruiter sexually assaulted the 12-year-old and threatened the girls when they wanted to return home to Cambodia.

An IJM partner in Malaysia reported the case to IJM in early 2019, and IJM supported Malaysian authorities as they conducted a rescue of the girls. IJM provided legal representation for the survivors as their case moved through the court over the course of the next year. IJM also ensured that both survivors had access to the services they needed to recover from trauma. Three of the accused received sentences of 6 years, while the primary recruiter and abuser received a 17 year sentence.

We are thankful that justice is being served in this case and are excited to continue supporting the survivors with a high standard of care,” Jacob Sims, Field Office Director for IJM Cambodia said.

IJM Cambodia works to end forced labour slavery by strengthening public justice systems and equip and train Cambodian law enforcement with the training and resources they need to combat labor trafficking. This new project comes after more than a decade of successfully working alongside Cambodian authorities to combat child sex trafficking, IJM Cambodia moved its focus to combat forced labor slavery. The team has supported cases involving victims trafficked to China as brides and factory workers, women trafficked to Malaysia as maids, and men trafficked to Thailand's fishing industry.

Read more about the progress in justice system tranformation IJM Cambodia have seen here

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