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An actress that represents a survivor Lalin 202307 Cam Actress Represent Survivor Story Ny and Lalin Approved for Full Use

Stop trafficking and exploitation

Human trafficking is a global crime. It will take a global movement to stop trafficking.

Trafficking shouldn't be happening in 2024. Today is your chance to help stop trafficking now.

Right now, children, women and men are being trafficked across international borders.

Children like 12-year-old Ny* and 16-year-old Lalin*, who were trafficked from Cambodia into domestic servitude in Malaysia.

“My employer’s children hit me, pulled my hair and spat in my food. I felt hurt and worthless,” Lalin told us.

Ny was also sexually assaulted: “I was very scared... I thought of ending my life.”

This isn’t just an issue on the other side of the world. Last year, Sir Mo Farah shared that he was trafficked as a child from East Africa into domestic servitude here in the UK. Trafficking affects all of us - we need to stop it now.

Our community of Freedom Partners give every month to help IJM work with authorities around the world to stop trafficking.

It only takes two minutes - will you join this movement for freedom now?

“When they helped me return to Cambodia, I felt reborn.” - Lalin

Ny and Lalin were trapped in slavery in Malaysia for two years until, thanks to the support of Freedom Partners, IJM worked with police to bring the girls to safety.

Last year, after two years on the run, IJM received a tip-off about their trafficker’s whereabouts. The Cambodian police moved quickly to arrest him and he was sentenced to 17 years in prison:

“It was a tense affair as he tried to escape when he spotted the police, but we thank God for their quick action to arrest him before he jumped off the stairs,” said an IJM Cambodia staff member.

Trafficking is one of the biggest criminal industries in the world. That's why IJM works with authorities to stop trafficking, from Cambodia and Europe to the Philippines and Kenya.

By becoming a Freedom Partner now and chipping in monthly, you can help ensure survivors of trafficking like Ny and Lalin get the justice they deserve and help protect more people from trafficking in the first place.

*Pseudonym. To protect IJM survivors, we have obscured some images and included photos that do not depict actual victims where appropriate. Consent gathered for all images.

You Can Help Send Rescue Today.

When you give a gift today, you’ll be fighting slavery, violence, and injustice across the globe. Together, we can end slavery and violence in our lifetime.

You can make the most impact as a Freedom Partner today.

Your generous monthly support will help send rescue to vulnerable children and families at a moment’s notice, stand with them as they rebuild their lives in freedom and have perpetrators held accountable.


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