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Stop trafficking of refugees in Europe

Donate now to help keep women and children safe.
The United Nations warns that ‘women and children fleeing the conflict [in Ukraine] are being targeted for trafficking and exploitation – in some cases facing further exposure to rape and other risks while seeking refuge.’

Right now, millions of women and children who have fled Ukraine are scattered across Europe. Many are at risk of trafficking and exploitation.

The risks are now beyond the crisis at the border. Refugees are running out of savings and resources. They're travelling through places that are known for trafficking and they're facing impossible choices. This means they're vulnerable to false offers of work or accommodation from people who want to exploit them.

We need to act now. We urgently need your help to protect refugees from trafficking.

Hundreds of people donated when the war first broke out – and every donation made a difference:

“I was at the Ukraine-Romania border within 24 hours, working round the clock to keep people safe from traffickers. Thankfully, because so many of you donated quickly, my team and I could act fast and together we have protected thousands of vulnerable women and children from trafficking risks as they crossed the border.” - Mariya*, IJM social worker

But we can't stop now – women and children need your support more than ever.

How your donation will help

Europe is facing the largest refugee crisis since World War II and we need you to help urgently scale our anti-trafficking work into more countries to protect people now, and in the coming months.

Your support could help us to:

• Work with authorities to stop trafficking cases in new areas of Europe

• Train shelters and partner NGOs in how to identify and protect people who are at risk

• Support refugees with advice on how to stay safe

IJM’s European Anti-Trafficking Programme has been working on cross-border trafficking for the last two years - working with police to bring people to safety and to hold traffickers to account, as well as supporting survivors as they heal and preventing trafficking.

Will you take two minutes to help keep women and children safe?

*IJM uses pseudonyms to help protect staff and survivors' identities. Stock images used.

You Can Help Send Rescue Today.

When you give a gift today, you’ll be fighting slavery, violence, and injustice across the globe. Together, we can end slavery and violence in our lifetime.

You can make the most impact as a Freedom Partner today.

Your generous monthly support will help send rescue to vulnerable children and families at a moment’s notice, stand with them as they rebuild their lives in freedom and have perpetrators held accountable.


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