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South Asia

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Young Couple Rescued from Bondage & Death Threats at a Brick Kiln
Finally freed: the young couple who had been enslaved at a brick kiln for three years were rescued thanks to IJM's partnership with Foundation for Sustainable Development (FSD) and local authorities. The young woman was 3 months pregnant. The owner had refused to let them leave and demanded they pay him $1,333 or he'd kill them with a motorbike. Terrified, the couple managed to contact relatives, who passed the case to FSD.
Father Sacrifices All for Daughters to become Family Firsts in Higher Education
Once struggling to make ends meet, survivor Sanjeevi now beams with pride. 10 years ago, he was rescued with his wife and children from a life of bonded labour in a brutal rice mill. Today, he stands tall: knowing his two daughters will be the first in the family to pursue higher education.
Social Media Helps IJM Partner NGO Rescue of 56 from a Brick Kiln
IJM and our casework partner Jai Bhim Vikas Shikshan Sansthan (JBVSS) supported a complicated rescue operation in the state of Haryana. Fifty-six people—including many young children and babies—were brought out of bondage at a brick kiln, aided by the use of social media during the COVID-19 lockdown.
Change is Happening: 204 Rescued in a Single Day
Last week, IJM assisted local authorities in rescuing 204 children, women and men from two massive brick kilns near Bangalore. This is one of our largest joint operations ever and a promising sign of how the Indian government is stepping up against human trafficking in bold new ways.
42 Freed from a Brick Kiln after Advocacy from Released Bonded Labourers' Association
Change is Happening in India: Officials Free 204 in a Single Day
Dozens of IJM Clients Safe in Nepal; Staff Warn of Increased Trafficking Risks Following Earthquake
Six Nepali Girls Set Free In Kolkata’s Red-Light Area
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