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Survivor leaders help protect two children from trafficking in Ghana
Seven trafficked children brought to safety in Ghana
Human Trafficker Sentenced to Five Years Imprisonment in Ghana
Launch of Marine Boat Patrol Pilot in Ghana
Last month, the Ghana Police Service launched a pilot unit that will begin patrolling the lake by boat, proactively investigating active cases of human trafficking in the fishing industry.
After Four Years in Slavery, 14-Year-Old Boy is Free to Go to School
Three Children Freed from Exploitation by IJM Partners in Ghana
At the end of June, IJM's trained partner organisation CARITAS, the Department of Social Welfare and the police brought three children to safety from suspected exploitation on Lake Volta. This is the first operation by an IJM-trained NGO partner in Ghana.
7 Myths about Human Trafficking – and why it’s vital that we stop believing them
Human trafficking today is a multibillion-dollar global criminal industry that’s bigger than ever. Here are some myth busters to make us all think twice.
Three Children Free from Child Trafficking in Ghana
During May's lockdown, police and IJM conducted an operation to bring three children, two boys and one girl, to safety from slavery on Lake Volta.
Four Boys Free from Trafficking in Ghana
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