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Human Trafficking

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The Illegal Migration Bill: a backwards step for tackling modern slavery
This week, Parliament is discussing the next stage of the Illegal Migration Bill. But what is the Bill and what does it have to do with slavery and trafficking?
The husband who helped bring his family to safety from slavery on Valentine's Day
The beginning of the end of child sexual exploitation
14 years after they were brought to safety, a group of survivors were recently reunited with IJM South Asia staff. These brave young women, with the support of IJM and people like you, have helped enable remarkable transformation in an area once renowned for sex trafficking of children. One of those young women is Poonam*. This is her story.
Forced scamming: stopping new forms of trafficking
IJM’s Distinctive Response to the Ukrainian Refugee Crisis (European Anti-Trafficking Programme)
International Justice Mission Welcomes Release of 2022 TIP Report
Listening to trafficking survivors like Sir Mo Farah is just the first step.
Sir Mo Farah has shown incredible courage by sharing his childhood experience of trafficking. His words should inspire us all to take action to support victims and survivors - and to stop trafficking for good.
We need to reach Ukrainian refugees now - before traffickers do
Update from Shawn Kohl, Director for Central and Eastern Europe, International Justice Mission.
Ukraine Crisis Update - Larysa*'s story
As refugees continue to flee Ukraine in search of safety, IJM and partners are on the ground, working to protect children and women like Larysa* from trafficking.
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Your generous monthly support will help send rescue to vulnerable children and families at a moment’s notice, stand with them as they rebuild their lives in freedom and have perpetrators held accountable.


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