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Albertina and her family were afraid.


Albertina and her family were afraid.

Their neighbors had taken their land and would do whatever it took to keep it—including violence.


lbertina is a frail grandma living in Northern Uganda. A decade ago, she and her family returned home from a refugee camp after a brutal civil war had torn apart the country. Her husband had died in the camp. All Albertina had left was her children and grandchildren and her piece of land. Or so she thought.

When she returned home, she found neighbours camped out on her plot. They refused to move.

Albertina knew why. They were there to steal her land. And they had spears.

For the poor in rural Uganda, a piece of land is all they have. It is where they farm and how they eat and how they keep their family alive.

But when a woman’s husband dies, her neighbours and family often believe that she no longer has a right to the land. They may threaten and even attack her to seize her property.

In this case, Albertina and her family—including 10 grandchildren—were depending on this piece of land. The neighbours didn’t budge, so Albertina carved out a small space on the edges of her rightful property for herself and her family.

Help others living in fear like Albertina.

She told the police, who arrested the neighbours, only to release them shortly after. The neighbours were furious.

And for the next eight years, Albertina was afraid. She and her little grandchildren were threatened countless times—with spears. Anyone who came to visit was bullied away. Her neighbours were powerful and threatened to make her life terrible by falsely accusing her and her relatives of crimes. At one point, Albertina was even thrown in jail on false charges.

Meanwhile, at school, the neighbours’ children would bully and pick fights with Albertina’s grandchildren.

Finally, in 2014, another widow told Albertina about IJM. Albertina tracked down an IJM staff member at a local training, and soon became our client. Now, she was no longer alone.

With your support, IJM was able to pursue her case, provide food for Albertina’s grandchildren and guard their hut. Your support has enabled IJM to stand with Albertina as the fight for her land continues.

Said Albertina, “I think that if IJM had not intervened on the land case, they would have chased us. I own nothing of value except for the land.”

“When we first met Albertina, she was hopeless,” IJM Gulu Director of Aftercare Josephine Aparo said.

“Now, she is a fighter.”


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Rita was a loving mother of six young children.

One day, her husband died. That’s when her nightmare began.

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