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2023 04 Odisha Mukhi 128 jpg 202304 ODI Mukhi and Sundaram Approved for Full Use

Forced Labour Slavery

Over 28 million people worldwide are trapped in forced labour slavery - a form of modern slavery.

How many people are in forced labour slavery?

28 million people were trapped in forced labour slavery in 2021, according to the latest Global Estimates of Modern Slavery.

What is forced labour slavery?

Forced labour slavery uses deception, threats or violence to coerce someone to work for little to no pay.

Although slavery has been outlawed in nearly every country, millions of men, women and children are trapped in slavery in brick kilns, rice mills, garment factories, fishing operations and many other industries.

What does forced labour slavery look like?

Forced labour slavery is a violent crime. Physical and sexual assault are rampant.

In many cases, IJM has documented people trapped in forced labour who have been beaten, gang raped, locked in tiny rooms, starved and even killed.

Victims who try and escape commonly report being tracked down, beaten and returned to the facility. But many victims of slavery don’t try to run away because traffickers use threats, fear and deception to trap them.

Mukhi's family spent five months trapped in a brick kiln in South Asia. They were forced to mould thousands of heavy clay bricks every day.

The family lived in fear of violence. Unable to rest or access fresh water, their health quickly deteriorated:

“We felt we would die there,” Mukhi's husband Sundaram remembers solemnly.

It took a tragedy to change their situation. When the lack of medical care led to a child’s death at the kiln, the child’s grieving parents managed to report the situation to the police.

Government authorities enlisted IJM’s support to bring Mukhi’s family and other families to safety. Finally, they were free to travel home to their village – safe and able to rest at last.

Mukhi remembers, “That day, we slept as if we had not slept for years.”

With IJM’s support, Mukhi and Sundaram have now found stable work and rediscovered their passion for pottery.

Just like the clay spinning on their potter’s wheel every morning, Mukhi and Sundaram are creating something beautiful from the raw materials of their lives.

IJM helps local authorities combat forced labour slavery in South Asia, Cambodia, Myanmar, Indonesia, Thailand and Ghana.

How does IJM help stop forced labour slavery?

How does IJM work?

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