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220620 Uganda Gulu 00365 jpg 202206 GUL Survivor Interview Portraits Approved for Full Use 2024 03 05 171848 avbl

Jobs and Volunteering

Join our team and help us protect half a billion people living in poverty from slavery and violence.


Chief Partnerships Officer

Deadline: Rolling applications

Public Affairs Lead

Deadline: 16th January 2025

Public Relations Manager

Deadline: Rolling applications

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Do you want to volunteer with us?

From lending a hand in one of our offices as a summer placement to helping some of the UK’s top festivals run smoothly or helping us with our fundraising initiatives, there are lots of ways to volunteer

Do you want to volunteer with us?

From lending a hand in one of our offices as a summer placement to helping some of the UK’s top festivals run smoothly or helping us with our fundraising initiatives, there are lots of ways to volunteer.

IJM Culture

Meaningful work in a motivated team

We have diverse backgrounds but a shared mission. We take our goals and results seriously but not ourselves. And we care about each other: how we work matters just as much as what we achieve.


What is it like to work at IJM UK?

Volunteering with IJM was the highlight of my summer! I learned so much about the organisation and the fantastic people behind the scenes. Some of my highlights were seeing the amazing marketing team each day, praying together for justice, and helping with content creation and market research!

Grace Twum Summer Placement Volunteer

Working at IJM allows me to use my skills as a graphic designer to play my part in this amazing global organisation that is making justice possible around the world. In my eight years with IJM I have grown so much in my role as a designer, but more importantly, I have been inspired daily by the stories of our clients and colleagues who are making a tangible difference.

Sarah Farling Graphic Designer

I first heard about IJM when Gary Haugen (IJM founder) spoke at a New Wine summer gathering. From that day on, I started dreaming about working for this incredible organisation. I still have to pinch myself that I now have the privilege of serving as part of the team, and my respect and love for IJM’s ground-breaking, prayer-fuelled, life changing work just keeps increasing!

Kath Johnson Church and Community Mobilisation Lead

IJM has a welcoming atmosphere. In my time at IJM, I was encouraged to reach my full potential, and I felt valued and appreciated. But most importantly I felt proud to participate in making "justice unstoppable". I was motivated to look forward to the next day with IJM because of the team's positive attitude, laughter, jokes, and team spirit.

Catherine Tushabe Summer Placement Volunteer


Diversity and Inclusion

We value diversity and inclusion and are committed to ensuring all our job applicants and people are treated fairly. We want to offer a safe and inclusive workplace where all our people feel welcomed, respected and valued. Our aim is to create a culture and environment free from discrimination where our staff can thrive.


Our work to keep people who have experienced violence safe, is the most important thing to us. We are committed to the safeguarding and protection of children, adults, volunteers and all people we serve, including partners, volunteers and staff members. We have zero tolerance for any behaviour that puts children or adults at risk of abuse or harm. All candidates who are appointed to work for IJM will be asked to sign up to our Safeguarding policy and code of conduct.

Find out more about our safeguarding and safer recruitment policies

You Can Help Send Rescue Today.

When you give a gift today, you’ll be fighting slavery, violence, and injustice across the globe. Together, we can end slavery and violence in our lifetime.

You can make the most impact as a Freedom Partner today.

Your generous monthly support will help send rescue to vulnerable children and families at a moment’s notice, stand with them as they rebuild their lives in freedom and have perpetrators held accountable.


Donor Portal

Review your giving, tax statements and contact info via the IJM Donor Portal.

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