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Notorious sex offender sentenced to 100 years in prison

A notorious sex offender, who sexually abused four children, has been sentenced to 100 years in prison by a Kenyan court.

For years, the director of a children’s home abused the very children he was meant to protect.

Promising to send them to school and provide them with a better future, he instead used his power to take advantage of the vulnerable children, including young orphans and street children.

IJM Kenya staff were particularly saddened upon learning of the horrifying abuse because they were already involved in the fight to bring this man to justice.

In fact, IJM was involved in three other cases against the same perpetrator, one in which he was later acquitted.

Determined to ensure he was stopped and could not abuse children ever again, a team of lawyers and aftercare staff met the children who disclosed details of abuse.

IJM lawyers partnered with the prosecution to represent the boys in court. IJM counsellors, who described the children as "fearful and traumatised but determined to seek justice," made sure they received vital support.

After receiving counselling sessions, the little boys bravely confronted their abuser and testified in court. And at the end of a lengthy trial, the court ruled that the perpetrator was guilty.

Esther, an IJM Kenya staff member who supported the boys, expressed her relief that the perpetrator will not harm them or any other child in the future.

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Children who have experienced sexual violence urgently need professional support to heal. We’ve seen that, with specialist trauma-informed counselling, children like Vin* can recover even from the most brutal abuse.

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