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Join Godwin in stopping child trafficking

You can help build a world where every child like Godwin is free.

Help build a world where every child like Godwin is free.

Imagine being forced to dive deep underwater to untangle fishing nets caught on submerged trees. Fearing you might drown.

Godwin was a bright, straight-A student who loved learning. When a woman turned up, promising to take him to his extended family to buy essential school supplies, he went with her. That promise was a lie: instead he was trafficked to work for a fisherman on Lake Volta.

Godwin was forced to rise at dawn and fish for long hours in scorching heat, risking his life diving deep into the lake, untangling nets. ‘All day working with the net, under the sun’ – no school, no family, just work.

Godwin suffered on this island for three years until Ghanaian police and IJM found Godwin and brought him to safety. But Godwin wasn’t ready to go home yet. He told us, ‘My younger brother and some people too are there who are really suffering.'

What he did next was remarkable: He bravely chose to go back to the island to help IJM and police bring more children to safety. Over several weeks, Godwin's courage led 29 others to be freed – including his brother.

Today, Godwin is a leader among his peers and is loved by his headmaster, teachers and classmates. He's picked his schoolbooks back up and is determined to pursue his dream of becoming a doctor.

This is what is possible - freedom, justice and restoration. With your support, and the tremendous courage we see in survivors like Godwin, we can end slavery in our lifetime.

Thousands of children like Godwin are still trapped in child trafficking on Lake Volta.

You can help stop child trafficking today.

Watch Godwin's remarkable story

Guvna B supports International Justice Mission's Stop Child Trafficking Appeal

Can you support IJM to stop child trafficking today?

I support International Justice Mission, and I hope you can too - Guvna B

"I’m passionate about sustainable change, and one of the things I love about International Justice Mission is that they partner and empower local people, getting alongside them, and showing them and giving them the respect that they deserve.

I hope and I pray that I can see change in Ghana and all across the world. And that’s why I support International Justice Mission, and I hope you can too". - Guvna B


Guvna B supports IJM's model for sustainable change in Ghana

Guvna B is a first generation Brit, with strong roots in Ghana. He's a rapper and author, and he is supporting IJM's urgent appeal to stop child trafficking on Ghana's Lake Volta, where he spent his 30th birthday.

Guvna B says ‘I’m passionate about sustainable change...' That’s change which is led from the ground up, through local teams and grassroots partners.

We are so grateful for Guvna B lending his voice to our urgent BBC Radio 4 appeal last month. If you missed it, listen back here.

IJM works with local authorities and partners around the world to stop child trafficking. Over 95% of IJM’s staff members are from the place where they work.

Transformation is what gives me hope

Anita Budu, IJM Ghana's Director of Justice Projects, shares her hope and her experience supporting survivors of child trafficking like Godwin.

"Better futures for trafficked children are possible – I've seen it. Last year, IJM Ghana worked with police to bring more than 70 children to safety.

What keeps me going is seeing the joy of transformation from day one: children who haven’t had loving adults around them start experiencing care and support. Within a few weeks, you see a completely different child."

Godwin's actions took a deep level of courage

“Godwin is a such an optimistic person; he’s always got a smile on his face," Anita told us in an interview last month.

After starting her career as a social worker, Anita now leads teams of investigators, aftercare workers and lawyers to empower them to tackle child trafficking.

"Often, we see that once children are safe, they want to help children trapped in similar situations. But Godwin is unique in that he was old enough to actually join the operational team as they led the police to other children. That takes a deep level of courage.”

New reports warn the COVID-19 crisis will push an additional nine million more children into child labour, including trafficking.

Help stop child trafficking from increasing.

The time to stop child trafficking is now.

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to increases in extreme poverty, joblessness and school closures.

Experts from UNICEF and the ILO warn global progress to end child labour has stalled for the first time in 20 years.

Without urgent action, the number of children in child labour could rise from 160 million to 168.9 million by the end of 2022. We can do better for the world’s children.

The time to act is now.


Learn more about IJM's work to stop child trafficking

What is child trafficking?
How does IJM stop child trafficking in Ghana?
How does IJM help end trafficking?
Why is it urgent that we act now?
What can I do to help?
You Can Help Send Rescue Today.

When you give a gift today, you’ll be fighting slavery, violence, and injustice across the globe. Together, we can end slavery and violence in our lifetime.

You can make the most impact as a Freedom Partner today.

Your generous monthly support will help send rescue to vulnerable children and families at a moment’s notice, stand with them as they rebuild their lives in freedom and have perpetrators held accountable.


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