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2022 YE Aaron Story 202207 PHP Year End Campaign Aaron Story Approved for Full Use6

Every child like Aaron should be safe.

Online sexual exploitation of children is growing fast. Donate now and help bring children to safety from abuse.

Every child like Aaron* should be safe. But right now, sex offenders - including in the UK - are paying to livestream sexual abuse of children.

Will you help stop this abuse and bring children like Aaron to safety?

Aaron was just two years old when he was brought to safety from online sexual exploitation. No child should ever suffer like Aaron has.

He was sexually abused by his biological father, who livestreamed the abuse for sex offenders around the world to watch.

Working with police in the Philippines and around the world, IJM played a vital role in enabling Aaron to be found and brought to safety. His father was arrested.

When IJM staff found Aaron, he was tiny and fragile. IJM social workers supported Aaron as he was brought to an aftercare shelter, where he was finally given the care he so desperately longed for.

Aaron isn't alone. There are growing numbers of children trapped in online sexual exploitation right now. Children like Aaron who urgently need your help now.

Today, Aaron is safe and free. He is experiencing the love and safety that every child deserves.

Together, we must end this abuse. Donate now to help bring more children like Aaron to safety, and to stop this abuse.

Online sexual exploitation of children is one of the fastest-growing forms of human trafficking. It’s a global crime that requires a global response to stop it.

IJM partners with law enforcement to bring children to safety, provide specialist care to survivors and hold criminals accountable for exploiting children.

Right now, children like Aaron are facing online sexual exploitation, desperately hoping that someone will intervene before they suffer any more.

We urgently need your support to reach them.

You Can Help Send Rescue Today.

When you give a gift today, you’ll be fighting slavery, violence, and injustice across the globe. Together, we can end slavery and violence in our lifetime.

You can make the most impact as a Freedom Partner today.

Your generous monthly support will help send rescue to vulnerable children and families at a moment’s notice, stand with them as they rebuild their lives in freedom and have perpetrators held accountable.


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