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LT21 Series Page Header

Make #SlaveFree Normal Video Series

Sign up to our six-part video series and learn how you can stop slavery in supply chains.

There are 28 million people held in forced labour slavery today (ILO, Walk Free, IOM 2023).
77% of UK businesses believe there is a likelihood of slavery in their supply chain (ETI 2017).

Many of the people who make our everyday products, from coffee to clothing, are trapped in forms of modern slavery.

It doesn't have to be that way.

Learn how you can build a better world where #SlaveFree products are the norm, rather than the exception.

Subscribe to our six-part video series and learn how you can help Make #SlaveFree Normal

A world without slavery and exploitation is possible. Join the movement.

Through this inspiring 6-part video course, you will learn how your actions can help catalyse the changes we need to make #slavefree normal.

Hear from expert speakers and young change-makers how together, consumers, activists, citizens, businesses and government, can help build a world where the people behind our products are protected.


Here's how it works:

Why not gather a group and plan an evening once a week to watch and discuss the video online, together?

We will provide a helpful e-booklet to take notes alongside each episode, to inspire you along the way.

Get started and subscribe

Choose your Make #SlaveFree Normal Stream: Option 1 or Option 2

Subscribe to Option 1 by filling out the form below

Receive links to watch each episode, along with a discussion guide featuring tips for living consciously and advocating for a world without slavery in our everyday products.

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Subscribe to Option 2 by filling out the form below

Receive links to watch each episode, along with a discussion guide featuring tips and Bible studies, plus prayers to guide you in praying for freedom and justice around the world.

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I want to subscribe to Make Slave Free Normal Option 2 and receive each episode with the accompanying discussion guide featuring Bible studies and prayers.

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By completing this form, you are signing up for breaking news and inspiring stories from IJM UK:

Join the #MakeSlaveFreeNormal conversation by following IJM on social media and tagging us in your #SlaveFree journey!

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@IJMUK on Facebook, Twitter, Linked In and Youtube

Get to know inspiring survivors like Chithra

Chithra, a survivor of slavery, once could not remember a day in freedom

For 20 years from the age of two, Chithra was trapped in bonded labour slavery at a sugar cane farm. She experienced daily violence, harassment and deprivation for the next 20 years—even tragically losing her first unborn baby as she was forced to work. But in May 2018, the cries of Chithra’s family were finally heard, Today, Chithra lives with her husband and son. She says: “It feels great to be free!

Survivors like Chithra are advocating for freedom in their communities.

Read more Stories
You Can Help Send Rescue Today.

When you give a gift today, you’ll be fighting slavery, violence, and injustice across the globe. Together, we can end slavery and violence in our lifetime.

You can make the most impact as a Freedom Partner today.

Your generous monthly support will help send rescue to vulnerable children and families at a moment’s notice, stand with them as they rebuild their lives in freedom and have perpetrators held accountable.


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Review your giving, tax statements and contact info via the IJM Donor Portal.

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