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Download Resources

Download resources

Get involved in the movement to stop slavery and violence through IJM's helpful free resources, ideal for students, small groups, churches or individuals looking to learn more and take action.

6 ways to get involved:

1. Journey in prayer with IJM as a small group with 'Encounter Justice', a free Bible study resource for churches and individuals to download.

2. Learn more about slavery in supply chains through IJM's six-part video series, Make Slave Free Normal.

3. Include your family in the movement through IJM's family activities.

4. Run a 'Stand for Freedom' and make a memorable stand against injustice.

5. Use your fashion for good and run a 'Fashion for Freedom' clothes swap.

6. Host a film screening to raise awareness about online exploitation using our 'Freedom Night' event pack.

Resources to learn more and take action

Bible study resources for small groups and individuals

Sign up to receive your new prayer resource from IJM UK

'Encounter Justice' is designed for churches, small groups and individuals to grow your understanding of the power of prayer and God's call to justice.

Sign up now >>

Watch our video series, 'Make Slave Free Normal'

Download our exclusive six-part video series and get informed about how slavery can be hidden in the supply chains of what we eat, wear and buy and how we can each take action to make #SlaveFree normal.

Learn More >>

Children's activities for families and teachers

Bring children into the movement to end slavery in our lifetime with our informative and fun activities. We truly believe nobody is too young or too small to make a difference!

Find Family Resources >>

Stand for Freedom Resource Pack

Could you take a stand and raise awareness for the 50 million people in slavery?

Download our Stand for Freedom pack and see how you could organise an online or in-person event at your university, school or in your city!

Download Event Pack >>

Fashion for Freedom Resource Pack

How can we use our fashion for good, and to bring about freedom?

Take a stand against fast fashion and run a Fashion for Freedom Event at your church, university, school or over Instagram!

Download the resource pack and learn more.

Download Resource Pack >>

Freedom Night Resource Pack

Want to bring your friends and family into the movement to help stop slavery and trafficking through an immersive, powerful short film? Host a Freedom Night and show a screening of Joy's film, a survivor of online sexual exploitation, in your own home. Complete the evening by cooking our suggested recipe from Urban Rajah!

Learn more >>
You Can Help Send Rescue Today.

When you give a gift today, you’ll be fighting slavery, violence, and injustice across the globe. Together, we can end slavery and violence in our lifetime.

You can make the most impact as a Freedom Partner today.

Your generous monthly support will help send rescue to vulnerable children and families at a moment’s notice, stand with them as they rebuild their lives in freedom and have perpetrators held accountable.


Donor Portal

Review your giving, tax statements and contact info via the IJM Donor Portal.

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Get updates from IJM on stories from the field, events in your area and opportunities to get involved.
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